The project
Forts & Fortifications
Culture & Territory
Practical Guide
You are in:
Forts & Fortifications
Castle Life
Castle Life
Valley of the River Serchio. Closer to you.
Thematic itineraries
Castle Life
Life in the castle: The Soldiers
Life in the castle: The Castle Governor
Life in the castle: The weapons of attack and defence
Life in the castle: The water supply
Diet in the Middle Ages. At table, in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
Paolo Guinigi
Ilaria Del Carretto
Matilde di Canossa
Castruccio Castracani
Ludovico Ariosto and the people of Garfagnana
The popular saying “Taking a bear to Modena”
Via Vandelli
The watercourses
The cult of Saint James and the Valle del Serchio